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Our online learning platform empowers Ecowizers across the country.

The rise of technology (for the purposes of education and learning) continues to skyrocket. Today, it is commonplace in developed countries and white-collar work environments. But the adoption of online learning in more operational workplaces, like Ecowize, has been slower – but it is just as important. Our Ecowizers are spread across the country in a nationwide network. This makes it important for us to keep everyone, no matter where in South Africa they are, up to date in training to ensure that our teams on the ground continue to meet the highest safety standards for the food industry.

To continue our growth as an organization, nearly at the 200-site mark, we’re on a mission to empower our many leaders and teams with consistent, quality knowledge and information. We plan to tackle this by offering online learning experiences, enabled through the launch of a new online learning platform and a combination of virtual and practical training. One newly developed program is “10-steps of cleaning“, our full Ecowize methodology, and part of our induction for new team members (which combines video-driven content, trainer and user manuals, practical activities, and assessments), which helps us to maintain excellent standards at every site.

We want our new online learning platform to be as effective as possible,” explains Tammy-Lee Adams, Ecowize’s Learning and Development Manager. She says, “One of the main factors that we consider, is possible low levels of digital literacy in employees. That’s why we will first introduce the platform to SHEQ managers and site managers, before rolling it out to other managers and staff. This will enable our senior managers to act as mentors and early adopters of the technology, helping to spread the message that this system is helpful and easy to use. We will also be running basic computer literacy upskilling parallel to the launch of this platform.”

Ecowize has also embarked on the task of evaluating the ICT and infrastructure needs of all our sites to ensure readiness for this learning solution. In our preparation for this new platform, concerns such as internet access, conducive learning spaces & suitable devices were raised. We’re leading the charge in creating these learning spaces, in partnership with our clients. “Ultimately, it’s about keeping the employee and their learning experience at the center of it all,” explains Tammy-Lee.

By driving a culture of learning, we believe that all Ecowizers will feel motivated which will result in improved productivity and the guarantee of quality that makes us a leader in hygiene and sanitation. Ecowize managers play an important role in driving learning (as well as closing gaps in succession planning) and will take up the task of equipping their teams to do so. We’re excited to see more and more Ecowizers upskill themselves using our innovative virtual learning space!

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